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介词with的三种用法 介词with的三种用法是什么

介词with的三种用法 介词with的三种用法是什么

介词with的三种用法 :


(1)例:The little boy often plays with his toys.这个小男孩经常和他的玩具一起玩。

(2)例:Its dark. I want to go home with you.天黑了。我想和你一起回家。


(1)例:You should cut off the net with this sharp knife.你应该用这把锋利的刀割开网。

(2)例:We usually say hello to each other with mobile phones.我们通常用手机去互相问候。


(1)例:She is a beautiful girl with a long hair.她是一个有着长头发的漂亮女孩。

(2)例:I would like to live in a house with a big garden.我想住在一个带大花园的房子里。